Saturday, December 28, 2019
Essay on Listening to Music as a Stress Reliever for...
More than 2000 years have passed since humans discovered music. Music is an art of sound in time that expresses ideas and emotions in significant forms through the elements of rhythm, melody, harmony, and color (anonymous, 2014). It started out as a simple striking of materials that produced sounds and was later developed with the inventions of musical instruments such as stringed instruments. The development of music evolves from prehistoric until the present period of time. Music has been very popular to people, not only to adults but also to teenagers and children. Its popularity can be attributed to the components of music such as lyrics, genres, artists and specifically, being a big part of the present media. The researchers came up†¦show more content†¦Ã¢â‚¬Å"Listening to music can have a tremendously relaxing effect on minds and bodies, especially slow, quiet classical music. This type of music can have a beneficial effect on our physiological functions, slowing the pulse and heart rate, lowering blood pressure, and decreasing the levels of stress hormones†(Collingwood, 2007). This proves that music can help in the physiological wellness of a person. In this current industrialized world, teenagers are the most vulnerable factor of society, As teenagers, there are a lot of negative forces affecting them such as confusion, pressure, stress, etc., that leads to delinquency. To prevent this from happening, they devise their own way of relieving stress. With the fast phasing domination of media today, music is one of its successful outcomes that everyone listens to. Listening to music can serve as a stress reliever to teenagers. According to Psychology Today (2014), Stress is simply a reaction to a stimulus that disturbs our physical or mental equilibrium. People view stress as something that is common, but according to the American Psychological Association (2014), 75 to 90 percent of all physician office visits are for stress-related ailments and complaints. Stress is linked to the six leading causes of death–heart disease, cancer, lung ailments, accidents, cirrhosis of the liver, and suicide. Stress can really be a threat in one’s health. The purposeShow MoreRelatedMusic : The Long And Winding Path Torn From Music1303 Words  | 6 Pages Music, over the years, has introduced new sounds and patterns into our everyday lives. From belting out your favorite song in the shower to quietly tapping your foot to the new song on the radio. The long and winding path torn from music’s origin has expanded through time to today’s modern music. Modern music consists of contemporary ideas and traditional tunes with a twist. Music has undoubtedly changed over the years and most people have a persona definition of what music is to them. 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Friday, December 20, 2019
Analysis Of Gray s Anatomy - 868 Words
â€Å"Media Analysis Paper†Relationships are about two people who want the same thing. In Gray’s Anatomy there are many different friendships, relationships and theories. With different kinds of friendships, sometimes you can’t tell what is real. Association is when you’re friends just because you work together. Sometimes people confuse love with lust. Ludus is when a relationship is just for fun, nothing more. Sometimes being in a relationship with people you love doesn’t always go the exact way you want. â€Å"Relationship Rules Theory†is help together by rules and by following them. Being equal in a relationship is huge matter. â€Å"Equal Theory†is when some relationships work and some don’t. It takes two dedicated people to succeed at friendships and relationships. In Grey’s Anatomy there are different types of friendships. You have friendships that are equal in giving and receiving. You also have some that are not equal and consist of having short friendships. While watching episode 17 I noticed a dichotomy between Edwards and Blake. Their friendship would be described as association. Which mean it’s normally a short friendship and usually you are only friends because you are co workers. An example I saw was Blake went behind Edwards back and applied for a position Edwards was already promised. Blake knew what she was taking from her and that why she hid what she had planed. This friendship described association, based on not truly being friends. They were only associates toShow MoreRelated The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde760 Words  | 3 Pagesis unavoidable when a person does not establish a sense of identity. 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Make theatre an avocation . . . not a vocation! You see I was raised in a family of scientists -- we had a copy of Gray s Anatomy (the book, not the television series) and a hefty taxonomic reference guide by the
Thursday, December 12, 2019
Marketing Objectives for Nike Sports Drink free essay sample
Nike will have a number of different marketing objectives for their isotonic sports drink, Nike Go. A main market objective will be to establish the isotonic drink as the most credible sports drink in the market. We will write a custom essay sample on Marketing Objectives for Nike Sports Drink or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page This will not just happen though, this can only happen through a lot of promotion and appeal. Creating strong consumer awareness is very important in gaining market share as it is a completely new product from Nike. This can be done through promoting the product, Nike Go, and allowing consumers to become aware that Nike has this new product. In order to establish brand recognition, there needs to be a capture of market shares in the sports drink segment. This will mean the product, Nike Go, will be well known and therefore will be able to compete well within this market. Ultimately, the overall objective is to become the top market leader. This means being the most popular isotonic sports drink in the market. Market Segmentation Today we are in an age of intense competition, so it is vital to develop a product for a specific market segment, which concentrates on one type of product. Our product, Nike Go, is an isotonic sports drink in a very competitive market. It would not be cost-effective selling to all the segments of a market. Instead, it is better to focus on the segment which will get the largest share for the company. The marketing function will therefore focus on targeting this segment. (Irish Times – Business 2000). For Nike, they have to breakdown the market into four categories: geographic, demographic, psychographic, and behavioural. For geographic, the country that the product will be released is within the UK. This includes all over England, Scotland, Wales, and the North of Ireland, with the main cities involved in sport being targeted. This is due to the constant rise in the number of people exercising and engaging in sporting activities. Demographic segmentation takes into account the different factors involved, such as age and gender. Nike Go will be aimed at 16-44 year olds, and is targeting at both male and female. Psychographic segmentation is the process of dividing the markets into segments on the basis of consumer lifestyles and their interests and opinions. The lifestyle of the target market will consumers who are athlete and active individuals. Their interests will include being into sport and exercising. The final segmentation factor is behavioural. This takes into account when and what the consumers’ will be using the product for. The targeted consumers will be those who wish to use the product before, during or after exercise, to help quench thirst, prevent dehydration, and replenish depleted energy stores. Targeting The target market for Nike Go is people who engage in sports or exercise. More and more people are now getting involved in sports and exercise in an attempt to stay fit and healthy, while enjoying themselves at the same time. Nike Go aims to help give people participating in sport an extra boost, and the ability to keep on going for longer. This market is a tough market to break into, with GlaxoSmithKline Plc. (Lucozade) and Red Bull Co Ltd leading the sports and energy drinks category, with a combined value share of 64% in 2012. Although other manufacturers are slowly gaining traction with their own products, meaning that there is a place in the market for a new isotonic drink from Nike, an already well-known brand in the sports market. (Euromonitor) The main cities that will be targeted with Nike Go are the UK’s most active cities. These cities include London, as they were the last city to host the Olympics. South Wales as Cardiff is the home of British rugby. Nottingham and Sheffield as they are both home to two well-known soccer teams. Leeds Yorkshire as they are the proudest of all cricketing counties. Manchester because they have the two most well-known soccer teams in UK. Glasgow as it is footballing capital of Scotland. Belfast because it is the main city in North of Ireland with the main sporting teams from here. The reason this product will be based within the UK is due to the rise in the participation of sports and exercise. In 2012, a report found that 44. 6 per cent of adults in the UK participated in sport or exercise, which has increased from 2006, at 41. 2 per cent. Figure 1. Shows this, as well as the percentage increase throughout all of the years from 2005. This shows that it is a perfect time to release an isotonic sports drink into the market, as the number of people participating in exercise is constantly increasing. Figure 1. 1 The product will be aimed at males and females between the age of 16-44, as this age group are the most active in sport, as shown in figure 1. 2. Figure 1. 2 Description of Product Nike Go is a new isotonic sports drink that is formulated in a way to aid people in rehydrating themselves during or after exercise. Nike Go is rich in carbohydrates as carbohydrates are the most efficient source of energy. It also has a number of sweeteners and preservatives. The main part of Nike Go is the electrolytes it contains, which include chloride, calcium, magnesium, sodium and potassium, which diminish during exercise through sweat and bodily fluid. Nike Go replaces these electrolytes that are lost during sports and exercise which promotes proper hydration, an important factor in delaying the onset of fatigue during sports and exercise. In order for Nike Go to be successful in the sports and energy drinks market, it must stand out and appeal to the consumers, which involves a lot of branding. Branding will allow consumers to easily identify the product and creates an interest in it. Nike are a global brand, which will help in releasing the product. When consumers see that Nike Go has the ‘tick’ symbol on the bottle, they will know that it is from Nike which will make it have good customer awareness. This will attract consumers to the drink as they know Nike are a well-established and very good company. We also have come up with the logo ‘JUST GET UP AND GO’. This logo is in place to help make customers aware of our new product, Nike Go, and to try and give our product an advantage over competitors. The idea is that when people see or hear the logo, ‘JUST GET UP AND GO’, they will think of the Nike Go. This logo is also related to the product. It simply means to get up and get doing something practical, whether it be a quick run, or a game of football. Our product will then give them the boost they need, and help them get through their exercise activity. Product Life Cycle The first stage for Nike Go was development, where innovation was key. The second stage is growth, which begins when Nike Go is entered into the market. There is not a lot of rivalry at this stage, and there is low entry barriers. The next stage is Maturity, where the growth of Nike Go will level off, and there is a lot of rivalry. The key here for Nike Go will be to have high market share. The final stage in Nike Go’s life cycle will be decline. This is where Nike Go will begin to lose sales and decline, but new promotion and branding can help Nike Go get back to the growth stage again.
Thursday, December 5, 2019
Business Communication Attitude and Physiological Barriers
Question: Discuss about the Business Communicationfor Attitude and Physiological Barriers. Answer: Communication is a major employability skill that employers look while choosing their employees. Its the mode of transferring information or ideas from one person to another either by use of words, using signs or through a written material. Communication skills are essential for the efficient and effective running of any organization (Saks and Gruman, 2011, p. 14). Communication may be of different types; listening, verbal communication, non-verbal communication, emotional awareness. However, it has several barriers; Physical barriers like noise, language barrier, attitude and physiological barriers. This essay brings about an experience that is linked to a non-verbal form of communication. It talks about the importance of non-verbal communication and its limitations and how one can improve the communication skills of effective communication. Non- Verbal Communication An incident whereby someone is employed in an institution of the physically challenged people as a cleaner. The worker cannot communicate effectively with the students because they use sign language and the employee is not familiar with the signs. They may need help from their cleaner, but they cannot convey their message in the right way. The cleaner may also need to pass information to them, but it may be challenging. Even though it may be difficult to communicate to each other, the worker can learn to talk through signs for secure communication with the students (Patterson, 2012, p. 5). The employee can learn how to use gestures, facial expressions, body movements and also the voice tone. After the cleaner learns the several non-verbal behaviors', communicating with the students may be very easy, and information would be passed to each other quickly. This is an experience that is linked to the non-verbal communication which is used to give information to people who may not be able to understand the written or oral information that is given to them, so the sender has to use the non-verbal communication behaviors. Nonverbal communication concepts bring about repetition, contradiction, complementing, accenting, and substitution of words. The use of nonverbal communication shows one's emotions of curiosity, happiness, anger, anxiety, pleasure, and interest among others. Most people within different settings use nonverbal communication cues when expressing their empathy in a deliberate manner (Leathers and Eaves, 2015, p. 2). The ability to interpret nonverbal cues and signals is complicated since nonverbal communication does not have fixed meanings for it means different in different contexts. Non-verbal communication is a mode of communication enables individuals to transfer information or ideas to others by use of signs, body language (kinesics), touch [haptics] and distance [proxemics]. The understanding and interpretation of nonverbal signals provide one with an advantage over other people in the environment where communication takes place (Patterson, 2012, p. 90). Mostly, nonverbal communic ation is grounded on instinct, and the communicators tell the truth, and this makes this mode of communication more recommended than verbal messages. There are different ways that people can communicate with each example by use of facial expressions, gestures and even how one dress can bring about communication. Non- verbal communication is important because; it brings a fast interpretation of a message like the use of symbols and signs can communicate faster than spoken or written message. It also reduces the time that the message is supposed to reach the receiver. Use of visual language is necessary because the receiver of the message can see the displayed message which could be attractive and presentable (Martin and Nakayama, 2013, p. 100). Communicating non-verbally also helps where you have to pass a message to the handicapped person, and they can understand clearly. There are sometimes when one has to pass a message to illiterate people, the use of gestures, facial expressions and maintaining eye contact is useful to uneducated people without the use of written words (Mavridis, 2015, p. 56). One may be disrupted by either no ise or long distance while trying to convey a particular message to someone. This may call for gestures for the receiver to understand what you are meaning. Lastly, use of nonverbal communication is easy to figure out between the two parties. However, non-verbal communication may have some disadvantages. Not everyone is familiar with the gestures and facial expressions while others may not prefer it. Sometimes it's tough for some people to understand the signs and they may end up receiving a wrong information. You may need to convey lengthy discussions with the other party, and this may be cumbersome because nonverbal communications only call for short messages (Knapp, Hall, and Horgan, 2013, p. 80). It does not follow any format while communicating because individuals unconsciously engage themselves in nonverbal communication by moving their bodies. One may also be interrupted while passing the message because it uses facial expressions. Lastly, it may be expensive at times. The experience of the employed cleaner in a physically challenged students institution made the worker improve the non-verbal communication skills. To improve the skills, one should understand carefully the gestures, facial expressions, movement of the body and also the voice tone (Botwinick, 2013, p. 30). This is because these signs usually convey a message that one should understand. Some people may also want to pass information but their words may not match with their nonverbal movements. One should be careful with the phrase and expressions. The eye contact is very essential while passing a certain information, one should look to the other party's eye, but it should not last for more than five seconds because it will mean something else. For effective communication, one should always practice the skills in case you are not familiar with them to avoid the bias of the message conveyed. In conclusion, none- verbal communication is important when dealing with handicapped personality, children and also illiterate people. Nonverbal communication makes work easier within the workplace and helps businesses in conducting critical responsibilities such as interviews. Nonverbal signals portray accuracy and trustworthy of intentions as a sign of confidence. It's important to understand others and how they try to convey their message. We should consider the non-verbal behaviors and their meaning. Lastly, we should respect other people's privacy and their communication skills and accept them because we are different. List of References Botwinick, J., 2013.Aging and behavior: A comprehensive integration of research findings. Springer. Knapp, M.L., Hall, J.A. and Horgan, T.G., 2013.Nonverbal communication in human interaction. Cengage Learning. Leathers, D.G. and Eaves, M., 2015.Successful nonverbal communication: Principles and applications. Routledge. Martin, J.N., and Nakayama, T.K., 2013.Experiencing Intercultural Communication. McGraw-Hill Higher Education. Mavridis, N., 2015. A review of verbal and non-verbal humanrobot interactive communication.Robotics and Autonomous Systems,63, pp.22-35. Mishra, K., Boynton, L. and Mishra, A., 2014. Driving employee engagement: The expanded role of internal communications.International Journal of Business Communication,51(2), pp.183-202. Patterson, M., 2012.Nonverbal behavior: A functional perspective. Springer Science Business Media. Saks, A.M. and Gruman, J.A., 2011. Organizational socialization and positive organizational behaviour: Implications for theory, research, and practice.Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences/Revue Canadienne des Sciences de l'Administration,28(1), pp.14-26.
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