Thursday, January 30, 2020
The Future of Nursing Essay Example for Free
The Future of Nursing Essay With the current trends and changes that are eminent in the healthcare delivery system in the United States of America and due to the additional needs required for the implementation of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) many alterations in nursing will be required in order to meet the needs of the patients. According to the Institute of Medicine’s (IOM) report The Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health, changes in the education, practice, and leadership of nurses will be required to make available accessible, high quality, high value care for patients in the health care system (Institute of Medicine [IOM], 2011, p. 85). Although these changes will affect all registered nurses the greatest volume of these modifications will be in the policies, restrictions, and regulations regarding scope of practice for advanced practice registered nurses (APRN). With the diploma, ADN, and BSN avenues to becoming a registered nurse there are many different options for those desiring to enter the nursing field. However, there are many barriers as well including cost, availability and location of nursing schools (IOM, 2011, p. 166). With the recommendations for nursing detailed in the IOM report many changes will need to be implemented in the education of nurses and also to ease the transition of the graduate nurse into practice (IOM, 2011). In order for nurses to fulfill the full scope of their capabilities in will be essential for them to achieve higher levels of education both before and after licensure. The need for baccalaureate educated nurses will rise significantly as a result of the increasing demand placed on nurses due to the implementation of the ACA. With an increased number of patients entering a health care system that is already exhibiting a shortage of nurses and physicians in many areas of the country it will be necessary for nurses to expand their practice and encompass more tasks and skills to provide the needed high quality care each patient deserves. These changes will require additional education and an evolution to lifelong learning on the part of both the up and coming nurses as well as those already in practice. The educational system for nursing needs to make modifications to provide for an easier and seamless transition to allow for academic advancement. According to the IOM nursing care is linked to higher quality care and increased patient safety. The reliance on nurses to assist in the transformation of the health care system is of the utmost importance however there are many barriers that impact this ability. The fragmented health care system also makes the nursing practice difficult with regards to completing tasks such as discharge planning and implementation of home health. Regulatory policies are so diverse across the country that it will be critical to revise and standardize nursing scope of practice across the states. It is particularly imperative for APRNs to be allowed to practice independently to the full scope of their education and a capability to provide care for those living in states with vast rural areas that are severely underserved in primary care (IOM, 2011, p. 107 ). The advancement of APRNs scope of practice has also been met with much resistance from physicians and the American Medical Association (AMA). In addition there is also opposition in relation to prescriptive privileges for APRNs; however the contention that APRNs are less able than physicians to deliver care that is safe, effective, and efficient is not supported by research (IOM, 2011, p. 111). It is also very difficult to determine the actual value that nurses can bring to the health care system as, â€Å"The accounting systems of most hospitals and health care organizations are not designed to capture or differentiate the economic value provided by nurses.†(IOM, 2011, p. 115). With the execution of the ACA it will be vital for nurses to be knowledgeable about cultural and ethnic diversity to implement the patient centered medical home model of healthcare. I believe the patient centered medical home model will be the most plausible tool to accomplish the evolution of the hea lth care system. It has been put into practice within the Military and Veteran’s Administration hospitals and clinics and has been very successful thus far. To make the essential changes in the United States healthcare system however a change in the leadership roles nurses play will be of utmost importance to bring about the necessary restructuring required. Leadership roles which in the past have been those in upper level position handing down commands will need to be reformed into a form of â€Å"leadership which flows in all directions and levels†(IOM, 2011, p. 223). The competencies and expertise of those nurses in practice will be imperative in leading the regulatory policies to contribute to the care and safety of the patients (IOM, 2011). Although nurses have never been viewed in a leadership role, and are more commonly viewed as the doers rather than the leaders a change in these views will be required not only in a collaborative situation with other members of the health ca re team but on all levels. It is therefore crucial that current nurses and those of the future are equipped with the competencies not only to give high value, high quality and safe care to the patient population but also an intimate knowledge of health care delivery, ethics, and innovative ideas with the ability to provide effective patient advocacy (IOM, 2011, p. 224). Mentorship, leadership programs, and fellowship programs are the key in preparing nurses to answer the call to collaborate and lead not only the committees, and established boards but also our country in the innovation and reformation of the healthcare system (IOM, 2011). In conclusion the role of nurses will be forced to undergo radical changes in the areas of education, practice and leadership in the transformation of our health care system. Higher education will be required to produce individuals that are better prepared to practice at the full scope of their ability and will continue to promote lifelong learning. The action of nurses in the field both in the patient centered home model as well as assuming a role of leadership in the patient care environment and in the board room will be fundamental in the future of nursing in the United States. References Institute of Medicine. (2011). The Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health.
Wednesday, January 22, 2020
Increasing Awareness of Child Abuse :: Violence Against Children
In recent years, child abuse has become, for the first time, an issue worthy of much attention. Child abuse happens everywhere; it is deeply embedded and practiced in many various cultures and geographical locations. Everyone has his or her own opinion on the significance of child abuse. To some, abuse merely is a topic that people have become obsessed with. Many people believe that abuse is only an extreme word for good discipline. These people are blind to the seriousness of child abuse. There are several very negative effects that spur from child abuse. These effects are anything but healthy in reference to the development of a child abused in any way. Many parents, in every culture, use child abuse as a method of conditioning their children to behave well. They use severe negative reinforcement too punish their children. These parents only see the immediate effects of child abuse. Naturally, if a child is beaten for doing something wrong, they will learn not to do it again. However, abused children tend to develop many problems later in life. In some cases, abused children will avoid growing close to people. They feel more comfortable trying to hide all of their pain and suffering. An approach like this to building relationships can lead to a lack of the true sense of intimacy and trust. A child will isolate themselves from others and experience severe loneliness. Abused children are more likely to bully other children around, isolating themselves from their peers (Judith 117). They sometimes fall into the pattern of befriending people who will only betray and cause them more pain. Abuse to a child can be a source of very painful experiences. Children often handle these experiences in the wrong way. Sometimes, these children try to ignore these painful feelings, which makes it difficult to learn how to cope with them. This behavior may lead to confusion and high stress. Children often become lost in the wavering maze of feeling little or no emotion, then switching to being overwhelmed with emotion and not knowing how to handle their feelings. These children may become psychologically unhealthy due to their emotionally instability ( Someone that was abused as a child is more likely to become an abusive parent than someone who was not (Judith 221). In this way, abuse can carry on from generation from generation. These families have unhealthy relationships. Family members frequently lack the love, caring, and friendship that everyone needs.
Tuesday, January 14, 2020
Google Inc. in China Essay
The case study is titled Google Inc., In china, written by Kirsten E. Martin for the Business Roundtable Institute for Corporate Ethics. Kirsten Martin is the Assistant Professor of Business and Economics at the Catholic University of America and Business Roundtable Institute for Corporate Ethics Fellow, â€Å"to encourage classroom discussion and not to illustrate effective or ineffective business decision making†. Kirsten is an academic, whose purpose is to examine ethical decisions and behavior in business, creating a bias to enhance the ethical situations related to business practice. The Catholic University was established in 1887 and is located in Washington D.C. Its values are more conservative, and emphasize charity and community-based values, as the Catholic Church is a strong proponent of helping the community. Also, being located in D.C. it is likely biased to be much more politically involved and influenced by the location. Her background in economics may also lead itself to bias assessing how Google could do greater good for the economy through their business, making her ethical evaluation more stringent. Her involvement with the Business Roundtable and more specifically their Institute for Corporate Ethics illustrates her belief that corporations have an obligation to be good citizens: morally, environmentally, and be proactively ethical. She would need to have complete knowledge of the major business environment differences in China to evaluate the ethical standards of their society without prejudice as well. She also likely lacks real world experience of operating a business as large as Google, and the pressures to manage all of the stakeholders needs; including shareholders desire to maximize profits. Ultimately, she has a very compelling bias to highlight any ethical behavior positively and negatively for further educational analysis. A.2. My perspective3 as the analyst:  ¶ My perspective is that of a daily user of Google and a student at Portland State University, School of Business Administration. I have some background knowledge of this case that are part of my personal beliefs and perspective. I believe in freedom of speech and oppose censorship. However, there are grounds for censorship that I feel are criminal and unethical which should be removed for legal, moral, and ethical reasons. I do not have an ideological belief that everything should be published and protected within free speech. That being said the things that cross that barrier are outlined well in US law and even more harshly abroad (abuses to children, women, etc.). Although many things are horrific, it is a dangerous subject to define what should be censored and not. In this case I understand the Chinese government censors subjects and manipulate the truth, this is not censoring to uphold the moral fibers of their society but their regime, and total control over the information provided to their society. I live in a liberal region of the US and have many freedoms that make it difficult for me to truly understand not having some of the basic rights I take for granted. I have not traveled the world nor have a deeper knowledge of other cultures or how the fabrics of their societies are woven into their economics and business ethics. My last perspective bias is that business should be a positive influence on society as a whole and follow the same moral and ethical standards that humanity as a whole need to follow. Although, there are different cultural values and legal systems around the world as we become a global economy and society we must define and support businesses that uphold the strongest moral beliefs and ethical standards. B. State what you are bracketing:4  ¶ I have some knowledge of the students protest in Tiananmen Square that is sure to come up in this case, and the censorship that the Chinese government supports. The brutality that happened from the protests and the total denial of the Chinese government will be set aside during my analysis. I have also completed an ethical assessment of Yahoo! disclosing personal information to the Chinese government for political adversaries that were promoting democracy, and imprisoned one individual for 10-years. Yahoo! broke their confidentiality policies, and payed an undisclosed amount to the wife of the man imprisoned. I will bracket my knowledge and assessment of how the Chinese government used threats to obtain the information. Also, I have read that Google has supported censorship to initially enter the market in China, and has a near monopoly over the internet search engine market. This monopoly can lead to overconfidence and complacency both of which lead to bad ethical situations. I have friends that work for Google and have heard very positive opinions regarding their corporate culture regarding their employees; this positive information has influenced my opinion of Google as well. I will bracket my opinions of the author and carefully examine her argument and facts. Moreover, I will bracket all opinions and information that I have regarding Google and the Chinese government. II. The Situation5: A. List the facts6 relevant to the issue(s) identified:  ¶ Google: 1998 Google Inc. was founded by Larry Page and Sergey Brin Mission is: â€Å"To organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful†. Motto is: â€Å"Don’t be evil†. Not to accept sponsored search results, like their competitors. 2000 Entered the Chinese market, by creating a Chinese-language version of its homepage that was housed in the US and not subject to Chinese laws. 2002, September was inaccessible for two weeks. When reinstated it was slow and temperamental for all Chinese users and completely inaccessible for Chinese universities. â€Å"The average time to download a Google Web page was more than seven times slower than for Baidu, the leading Chinese search engine.†2004 realized they were losing market share to Baidu, Yahoo!, and Microsoft, because of their local presence, because they are licensed within Chinese borders, due to self-censorship. 2005 announced two important appointments: Dr. Kai-Fu Lee (left Microsoft) whose goal was, â€Å"To make advanced technology accessible and useful to every user, as well as be part of the vibrant growth and innovation in China today.†Also, Johnny Chou, who assisted in building sales and distribution as well as a R&D center in China so Google would have the assets needed to succeed. 2005 they had 5,680 employees scattered throughout the world. With positive cash flow of $3.45 Billion. 2006, January announced the creation of, which is located in China and subject to Chinese filtering: Keeping sensitive information outside China through Gmail, and Blogger Disclosing the presence of general filtering to users
Monday, January 6, 2020
Nineteen One Deaths From The Salem Witch Trials - 847 Words
Twenty-one deaths from The Salem Witch Trials (Callis) seems to be very minimal when compared to the 620,000 deaths that resulted from the Civil War, however, The Salem Witch Trials seem to stick out significantly in the minds of Americans. Why is this? Today, it is appalling to us that someone would be executed for what only appeared to be â€Å"witchcraft†. Even though there was no credible evidence of it, the majority believed that there was some sort of evil sorcery about them and then commended the accused to death. What caused such hysteria within the community? The culprit may have been the fungus that infected their bread called, Ergot. Ergot, the toxic fungus found on rye, is mostly found during the spring and summer months with humid climates (Clues and Evidence). When reproducing, the contaminated grain releases a yellow thick, sticky substance which contains the fungus that spreads the poison throughout the crop. Once the grain is infected, it’s seeds contai n lysergic acid which is what the hallucinogen LSD is created from (Clues and Evidence). Some side effects of ingesting Ergot are: â€Å"... strange mental aberrations, hallucinations, a feeling of burning skin or insects crawling under the skin. Women frequently miscarried, and fertility was generally reduced during outbreaks†¦ many victims lost hands and feet†(Schumann). Victims of the lethal infection also experienced convulsions, paralysis, tremors and acting disturbed or insane(Schumann). Because the virus wasShow MoreRelatedThe Salem Witch Trials : The Causes Of The Deadly Accusations912 Words  | 4 PagesPeriod 1 11 April 2015 The Salem Witch Trials: The Causes of the Deadly Accusations In Arthur Miller’s The Crucible, he writes, â€Å"We are what we always were in Salem, but now the little crazy children are jangling the keys of the kingdom, and common vengeance writes the law!†(Miller 77). This partially fictionalized tale of the Salem Witch Trials points to one of the causes of the trials, vengeance, but the over dramatized tale s early stages were quiet. The Salem Witch Episode had humble beginningsRead MoreSalem Witch Trials Paranoia Essay1629 Words  | 7 PagesIn the 1680’s and 1690’s there was mass hysteria in New England over supposed witchcraft. The most famous outbreak was in Salem, Massachusetts, hence the name Salem Witch Trials. In Salem, there were young girls who started acting strangely, and they leveled accusations of witchcraft against some of the West Indian servants who were immersed in voodoo tradition. Most of the accusations were against women, and soon the accusations started to shift to the substantial and p rominent women. NeighborsRead MoreThe Salem Witch Trials Of 16921281 Words  | 6 PagesThe Salem Witch Trials were a sequence of hearings, prosecutions, and hangings of people who were thought to be involved in witchcraft in Massachusetts. These trials occurred between February 1692 and May 1693(The Salem Witch Trials, 1692. ). The Trials resulted in the execution of twenty people, in fact, most of them were women. The first of the trials began in several towns in the Province of Massachusetts Bay, such as Salem Village (currently known as Danvers), Salem Town, Ipswich, and Andover(SalemRead MoreThe Salem Witch Trials Era1004 Words  | 5 PagesThree centuries ago authorities in and around Salem, Massachusetts engaged in a witch- hunt. Authorities during the Salem Witch Trials era were called upon to arrest or execute â€Å"witches†due to false accusations made by communities that were in argumentative ties, women who were seen as threats, and religious disagreements. Capturing nearly one hundred fifty perpetrators, charging twenty-eight of them, and nineteen were lynched publically. Community tension brought false accusations that causedRead MoreThe Salem Witch Trials1274 Words  | 6 Pages During the seventeenth century Salem, Massachusetts is a seaport town populated mostly by Puritan colonists who came over from England in the seventeenth century. Beliefs of witchcraft came over with the settlers who, if caught practicing, was punishable by death. The Salem Witch Trials were a series of court cases in 1692 revolving around witchcraft where over hundred people were accused, nineteen were hanged, and one was pressed to death. England had accused people of witchcraft datingRead MoreThe Salem Witch Trials Essay1349 Words  | 6 PagesBefore 1692, the supernatural was a part of people’s everyday normal life. This is so as people strongly believed that Satan was present and active on earth. Men and women in Salem Village believed that all the misfortunes that befell them were the work of the devil. For example, when things like infant death, crop failures or friction among the congregation occurred, people were quick to blame the supernatural. This concept first emerged in Europe around the fifteenth century and then spread toRead MoreThe Judicial System of the Salem Witch Trials803 Words  | 4 Pagesduring the Salem Witch Trials, a series of hearings over a witchcraft scare that took place from June through September of 1692 in Salem, Massachusetts. The writer shall include a brief history of the events, explain the judicial system of the Trials, and give detail to what methods were used to determine fate of a victim. Additionally, the writer will explain how the Trials were based on false views that were not supported. The Trials began soon after a few young girls living in Salem began throwingRead MoreThe Salem Witch Trials and McCarthyism666 Words  | 3 Pagesthe Salem witch trials and red scare, are often overlooked. 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There was a great effort exhorted by the Massachusetts General Court to declare a guilty verdictRead MoreEssay on Salem Witch Trials Of 16921061 Words  | 5 PagesThe Salem Witch Trials of 1692 In colonial Massachusetts between February of 1692 and May of 1963 over one hundred and fifty people were arrested and imprisoned for the capital felony of witchcraft. Trials were held in Salem Village, Ipswich, Andover and Salem Town of Essex County of Massachusetts, but accusations of witchcraft occurred in surrounding counties as well. Nineteen of the accused, fourteen women and five men, were hanged at Gallows Hill near Salem Village. Hysteria had swept through
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