Thursday, May 28, 2020

The Issue of Racism in America - Free Essay Example

The issue of racism is a deep-rooted problem in the world, and over the years, it has morphed into severe discrimination and segregation, forming part of the world history. Racism involves judging and treating others unequally based on their skin color and ethnic origin. Since time immemorial, white people have been known to discriminate against black and other non-white people. Slavery increased the racial gap between whites and non-whites when black people were captured and enslaved in white people’s homes and plantations. Since then, white people have always felt superior and therefore discriminated against others such as the African Americans, Hispanics and so on. In the modern world, racism manifests itself in the society at workplaces, schools, churches and all other public sectors. As a result, this issue should be addressed to establish the truth about whether racism is increasing or declining in the United States. According to some scholars, racism is no longer an issue in the American society while others believe that America is still divided largely by racism and racial discrimination. In the United States, racism has always been a grave issue, but the world is working hard to get over that archaic practice. America Still divided by Racism into two unequal societies; by Joseph E. Stiglitz In this article, Joseph interrogates the extent to which racism has manifested itself in the contemporary world†. He says that African Americans are still suffering in a dominantly white society regarding education, employment as well a peaceful coexistence with their white counterparts. I chose this article because it gives a deep insight into the issues of racism that still exist in the world today and their effects on the victims. In public institutions, for instance, white people receive better and quicker services compared to people from other races. The finance sector is particularly said to target African Americans for exploitation by selling them volatile products and charging them high fees for the same products. Wells Fargo Bank ended up being fined hugely by the authorities for having exploited African Americans as well as Latinos by charging them higher interest than their white counterparts. The author says that today, America is paying dearly for racial inequalities and the economy feels the effects of this inequality. The assumption that the power structures in the United States are run primarily by the military forces is a complete fallacy because the Presidency has eroded the country’s soft power (Stigliz, 2018). As time goes by, the situation is worsening, and since President Trump was elected, there is no end in sight to this nightmare. Racism has developed roots in the system such that non-white people are unlikely to get employment in America. An individual’s resume does not matter as much as their skin color and when it comes to hiring and firing, African Americans, Latinos and other people from other races. He, however, concludes by saying that there might be hope for a better future only if people are willing to stand up, they can purpose to transform the society. Racism in America; By Donald W. Shriver The second article by Shriver explains that despite the past having been full of racism and prejudice, the world has changed and racism remains a thing of the past. He explains that the only thing that remains are the scars inflicted on black people by racism. Shriver talks of an actor who only encountered racism upon arrival at the United States and even today, Americans carry with them the scars of this vice. He had previously talked to his friend who was black, and they both acknowledged that they still have the scars of racism, but now, the world has changed. They both looked at racism as a challenge as well as an opportunity for people to move on and realize the value each other. The article shows that racism is heading to an end and it is not as bad as it was in the past. The hopeful difference between people is that some of them learned how to fight and overcome the influences of racism such as members of the Christian community and the church at large. Points of View I chose these two sources because they have an opposing opinion about racism in America. In the first source, racism is said to be at its peak in the United States and continues to manifest itself. In the second article, racism is becoming a thing of the past, and all that remains are the scars from the years of racial discrimination. Similarities exist between these viewpoints such as the fact that both authors agree on the fact that racism is negativity that needs to be addressed in the society. They also concur in the fact that racism has undergone serious metamorphosis and it is not as it was a few years ago. However, in Joseph’s perception, there is an increasing danger brought about by racism, and the American society remains divided nonetheless. The white people who perceive themselves as a superior race deny their non-white counterparts the opportunity to access equality. On the other hand, Shriver believes that shortly, everyone will be able to deal with racism and the only thing remaining would be the previous scars. Racism in America can be dealt with, (Shiver, 2018) and there is no need to worry about people getting discriminated . If Joseph could speak to Shriver, he would explain that the dynamics of the society dictate interpersonal relationships and racism is one of them. Contrastingly, Shriver would argue that the society has already outgrown the era of racism and that everyone is capable of dealing with the situation. The differences between their points of view include the fact that Joseph addresses the situation from a social perspective while Shriver uses an individualistic approach. According to Joseph, the whole society is doomed while Shriver claims that the individuals can work things out and eliminate racism and its effects. In conclusion, racism remains a calamity in the modern world, and as time goes by, there is a need for change and individuals must perform. According to Joseph, the American society has fully embraced racism, and as a result, most of the public sectors and their service delivery is influenced by race. African Americans do not enjoy equal rights as the rest because they are black and the whole society is divided into two groups. On the other hand, Shriver believes that racism is almost over and if people could be responsible, the world would be a better place. I do agree with the fact that racism is a problem and it is so deep-rooted in the American society that there is no quick solution in sight. Joseph gives a true and clear account of the reality on the ground because looking at the modern society, it is clear that there may not be an end in sight for racism in America. I would like to challenge the government and the media to propagate equality by passing legislative measures aga inst racist people. In most cases, the media plays a huge role in propagating racism, and for that reason, there is a need to change the type of communication passed to the public on racism.

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Vce Language Analysis Essay - 1276 Words

Tattoos have recently become increasingly popular in youth, due to the hidden meanings and symbolism that they are endowed with. Helen Day’s opinionative blog entry, The Power of Ink, asserts that the significance of tattoos have diminished due to the fashionable aesthetics that tattoos project. A highly casual, yet acknowledging tone characterises her blog entry, which is predominantly catered to young Australian readers who are interested in receiving a tattoo. Accompanying her blog entry is a number of comments which both support and criticise the new phenomenon of tattoos. Poignantly complementing her article is an image of Ta Mako tattoos, a Maori form of body art, and the front cover of the written work â€Å"No tattoos before you’re†¦show more content†¦She further perpetuates this notion through her statement that â€Å"those†¦were an indication of control†, and â€Å"a sign that the bearer has a value that hovered somewhere between proper ty and machine† As such, Day conveys that tattoos debased humans as inanimate objects, capable of no humanity and thought, and hence the reader may be incited to view such tattoos as offensive due to their historical meanings, complementing her contention that tattoos originally had more â€Å"power† and significance in the past. Day then draws a sharp criticism on the increasingly â€Å"commodified† nature of tattoos, as she derides them as a mere â€Å"fashion statement†. The words â€Å"fashion statement† insinuates that such tattoos are materialistic and transparent in meaning, upholding the notion that modern tattoos carry no purpose in today’s society, other than to impress others. The reader, as a result, may be invoked to feel annoyance and frustration at the ignorance of the general public, who are implied to be unaware of the previous meaning of tattoos. Moreover, Day compounds upon this pre-established notion of commodity by stating it is â€Å"fashion’s proprietary mark†. The word â€Å"proprietary† may position the reader to criticise the fashion industry, as it is suggested that the fashion industry has defiled body art out of economical greed. Day finds this â€Å"profoundly annoying†; the conviction in her statement, achieved through the use of brevity, may invite the reader to share similar sentiments,Show MoreRelatedWhy Is Eal For Vce?1107 Words   |  5 Pages Significance of EAL for VCE EAL is a critical subject, especially for students who are new to the Australian schooling systems and teaching and learning conducted in English. Each learning areas have its’ own specific language and technical terms, especially at the VCE level, and without the language proficiency it is very difficult for students to perform well in the subject regardless of the actual knowledge and skills students may have (Macken-Horarik, 1996). For example, many internationalRead MoreIntroduction . Curriculum And Philosophy Have A Profound1102 Words   |  5 PagesCollege is a middle class school. The school is famous for its sport, dance, musical program as well as their STEP (science, technology and engineering pathways) program. 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Saturday, May 16, 2020

Fences Character Analysis Essay - 924 Words

Analyzation of Character Traits Individuals and society often rely on the trait of responsibility in order to have their daily activities run smoothly. Troy Maxson has incorporated the key ideas of responsibility; to secure his family, friendships and job. Troy had stated multiple times within Fences that his actions are based off of his responsibilities; instead of love. â€Å"[...]Liked you? Who the hell say I got to like you?[...]† (Wilson,37). This quote displays that although Troy loves his family, his sense of responsibility is stronger. The sense of responsibility shows he is concerned for what is to come to the family; although this shadowed his emotions to forget to show affection. â€Å"[...]Some people build fences to keep people out†¦and†¦show more content†¦Through Troy’s perspective, he sees the fence as a barrier between his enemy known as; death. If death gets through the fence, it would have to come through Troy himself, since he believes that instead of loving his fami ly; protecting them has more worth. It is clear Troy starts to build the fence to keep those who are mistreating his family out; although he himself grows distant. We can infer that Rose and Troy’s perspective of the fence had started to collide. Rose had viewed the fence to keep those she values and cherishes within the fence; while after Troy confesses he is cheating on her with Alberta a division with his family is shown. Division with their family occured due to Troy mistreating Rose and not realizing his mistake sooner. This is to show that Troy’s trait of responsibility reinforces the main symbol. Troy had acknowledged his mistakes resulting in a mental and emotional separation between the couple. â€Å"[...] A motherless child had got a hard time†¦. From right now this child got a mother. But you a womanless man. [...]† (Wilson,122) This confirms that even with the presence of Raynell; Rose will not acknowledge Troy for what he used to mean to her. Further into the play it is revealed that even with this rift, Rose continues to communicate with him to keep order within the house, although emotionally her ties have been severed with Troy. Responsibility is a term that invokes duty, and to beShow MoreRelatedFences Character Analysis Essay1790 Words   |  8 Pageshousewife in the play, Fences is written by August Wilson. Rose is Troy’s loyal wife. She is a mother that cares for all of her children. All in all, Rose Maxson would be one of the most compassionate characters in this play. Compassionate is a strong feeling of Rose Maxson is a housewife in the play, Fences is written by August Wilson. Rose is Troy’s loyal wife. She is a mother that cares for all of her children. All in all, Rose Maxson would be one of the most compassionate characters in this play. CompassionateRead MoreNotes On The Novel Fences And Pied Piper Of Tucson 1080 Words   |  5 Pagesspecific choices. Next, students read the play Fences by Pulitzer Prize winner August Wilson and analyze the role of stories within in the story to create tension and advance the plot. Fences is the foundation for the unit’s cornerstone task: after ranking and discussing important lines in the play, student perform them, and reflect on the impact of the important lines exercise on comprehension of the play. Finally, students write a synthesis essay to merge writings throughout the unit into a singleRead MoreCharacter Analysis of Cory in The Play Fences by August Wilson1109 Words   |  5 Pagesbecause of a fear that was rooted in him nearly eight-teen years earlier. When Troy was released from prison he dreamed of playing Major League Baseball but at that time it was an impossibility because of racial dis he other primary relationship of Fences is that of Troy to his son Cory (Courtney B. Vance) - a promising 17-year-old football player being courted by a college recruiter. Troy himself was once a baseball player in the Negro Leagues - early enough to hit homers off Satchel Paige, tooRead MoreThe Interpretation Of August Wilsons Fences By Denzel Wilson724 Words   |  3 PagesAugust Wilsons’ play â€Å"Fences† gave the American stage one of the most renowned characters. As Wilson originally writes in the play, Troy Maxson, who is an uneducated sanitation worker and a former Negro League Baseball player is depicted as a multi-faceted tragic figure from the mid-1950s Pittsburgh of Wilson’s childhood. This being the case, in the adaptation of this play, Denzel Washington understands the kind of ‘largeness’ portrayed in Wilson’s play and is hence portrayed a shadow that Troy castsRead MoreFences Research1694 Words   |  7 PagesThe Impact of Phy sical and Psychological Boundaries in August Wilson’s Fences The early 1950’s was a time of enormous importance because of the Civil Rights Movement which emphasized equal rights for blacks and whites. According to the book Approaching Literature, this time period became very familiar to August Wilson, the author of the play Fences. Wilson, an African American man, was raised by his mother and his ex-convict father. For a short period of time, before moving back to hisRead MoreFather-Child Relationships in Hamlet and Fences1223 Words   |  5 PagesFather-Child Relationships in Hamlet and Fences In both William Shakespeares Hamlet and August Wilsons Fences, the emphasis placed on parent-child relationship is vital, as family plays an important role in developing a characters values as well as his or her upbringing does. While Ophelia, Laertes, and Hamlet show loyalty to their fathers unconditionally, Cory, even though looks up Troy as a figure, eventually exhibits disrespect to him. The relationship that Ophelia shares with her fatherRead MoreFences: White People and Troy Essay1719 Words   |  7 PagesAnalysis of â€Å"Fences† August Wilson’s famous play â€Å"Fences† is a drama set in the 1950’s. Being a winner of the Pulitzer Prize for the best play of the year, this play has had many positive responses to blacks and whites in this society. It is about protagonist Troy Maxson as well as his african american family that is filled with drama and excitement. In Wilson’s Fences by Joseph Wessling he expresses, â€Å"Fences is about the always imperfect quest for true manhood. Troy’s father was less of a â€Å"true†Read MoreAnalysis Of The Book Of Kill A Mockingbird 1271 Words   |  6 PagesJourney Tasopulos Brannen ELA-8 19 April, 2015 Novel Analysis: To Kill A Mockingbird Selection: I selected this book because its the best book I have ever read. I read To Kill A Mockingbird last year and my class wrote an essay about this book, since I already know so much about this book I thought it would be a nice and quick read. I thought it would be a great enjoyment to refresh my memory of this epic book. I watched the movie soon after I read the whole book and it was very fun to pick outRead More Religion in August Wilsons Fences Essay examples814 Words   |  4 PagesIn August Wilsons play, Fences, the character, Troy Maxson, is by no definition a religious man. He has created his own religion through his own philosophies, especially baseball. Sandra G. Shannons critical analysis, The Good Christians Come and Gone: The Shifting Role of Christianity in August Wilson Plays, gives analogies for the way Troy deals with his own spirituality. It is agreeable that Troy, like other Wilson characters, deals with religion in his own way. Shannon assertsRead MoreCharacter Analysis Of The Desperate Housewife981 Words   |  4 Pageswife to the stay at home mother. To provide some context to this analysis is important to look at the roles of these four central characters within and without of the home. Gabrielle Solis is a former model, she has two daughters and throughout the course of the show is married to two different men. Gabrielle is often portrayed in the show as being vain and self centred yet she is also an extremely ambitious and self assured character. Lynette Scavo has had a previously successful career within the

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The University Writing Center And The Academic Success Center

The University Writing Center (UWC) and the Academic Success Center (ASC) are two of the university initiatives that help students enrich their academic experience. While UWC assists students in improving their written and oral communication skills through one to one consulting sessions, online resources, and workshops, ASC works to enhance students’ intellectual performance through academic coaching, supplemental instruction, drop-in tutoring sessions, and peer mentoring. Both of the organizations take a collaborative learning approach to encourage students to develop necessary study skills for academic success and increase student retention. ASC offers various student development programs; however, our focus for this proposal will be on drop-in tutoring services offered by ASC. The number of students using these campus resources is growing every semester. Although many students on campus are willing to use these services, their availability is limited. Students are often discouraged to use these resources due unavailability of appointments, and long wait times. In order to increase the efficiency of these programs and to uphold to their mission of helping students reach their full academic potential, I purpose to research several strategies that will increase the accessibility of these resources to a larger student population. Specifically, I purpose to increase the number of locations at which they provide their services, recruit more staff and increase their operationShow MoreRelatedThe University Writing Center And The Academic Success Center1257 Words   |  6 PagesSummary The University Writing Center (UWC) and the Academic Success Center (ASC) are two of the university initiatives that help students enrich their academic experience. While UWC assists students in improving their written and oral communication skills through one to one consulting sessions, online resources, and workshops, ASC works to enhance students’ intellectual performance through academic coaching, supplemental instruction, drop-in tutoring sessions, and peer mentoring. Both of the organizationsRead MoreInternational Students At The American University1749 Words   |  7 PagesHow many of you guys study well in the American Universityï ¼Å¸ Maybe some of you have problem in your academic study? To be a successful International student in the American University, International students should work hard and go to the student center of school and go to the writing center in order to find tutors for help. Also they can take lots of student’s activities in school. 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Women in the Middle East and Greece Essay - 3931 Words

Women in the Middle East and Greece Historically, women were long considered naturally weaker than men, squeamish, and unable to perform work requiring muscular or intellectual development. In most pre industrial societies, for example, domestic chores were relegated to women, leaving heavier labor such as hunting and plowing to men. Women generally have had fewer legal rights and career opportunities than men as well. Wifehood and motherhood were regarded as womens most significant professions. In the twentieth century, however, women in most nations won the right to vote and increased their educational and job opportunities. Perhaps most important, they fought for and to a large degree accomplished a reevaluation of traditional†¦show more content†¦With these specific topics in mind, I began my research in Turkey, Egypt, Morocco, and Greece. In Turkey, my main area of study was focused on the original idea of my learning plan. I concentrated on the Turkish womens steps toward their independence and success and the formal and informal changes that went along with this movement. In Morocco, my attention was drawn towards the Moudawana (Islamic Family Code) and how it greatly limited the freedom and status of a woman in her married life. In Egypt, I also called attention to a specific area of study concerning a womans role in decision-making areas. For instance, their political participation and even the political involvement of ancient Egypts powerful queens. In Greece, I decided that my research should create a presentation that would be a bit of a grand finale to my project as a whole. That is why I inquired about two of the most powerful female figures in Greece today, and also the impact that the powerful women of Ancient Greece had on the country during that time period. This manuscript will include the summaries of my findings in each country along with some details here and there of what I think is some of the most interesting information I have gathered. Preceding these summaries, I will then explain the conclusions I have come to concerning the outcomes of my research during the past five months in the Middle East. During our time in Turkey, I looked into the influences towards womensShow MoreRelatedCC of Cultural and Intellectual Tradition of The M.E. (600-1450 CE)766 Words   |  4 Pagesform the Dar-ar-Islam. Used to unite the Middle Eastern Empire, Islam – founded by the prophet Muhammad in 610 CE – created a stable civilization based on Islamic views and teachings for its individuals. In the Middle East during the time of 600 CE to 1450 CE, the religion of Islam stayed unchanged, while the influences of different cultures altered the traditions of the society as well as the women’s rights and status in the civilization. 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Polis the Greek word for city state is where politics came from. They had modern politics with the first democracy. It was divided into city-states that rule themselves i n a democratic fashion. With this they have the majorityRead MoreEssay about ITW1 Task 1 1121304 Words   |  6 Pagesï » ¿ ITW1 Task 1 Literature, Arts and the Humanities: Analysis and Interpretation Comparing Classical and Middle Age Art Periods 112.1.2 The Fourth and Fifth centuries brought the Classical Art period to Greece. This was a very significant period for Greek art. Before this time, art lacked dimension and intensity, but the onset of the classical period brought with it influential architecture, vase paintings and sculptures, giving life to its subjects. Many modern day artists draw their creativeRead MoreDancing Is The Cradle Of Civilization : How It Has Made A Great Impact On Human History1458 Words   |  6 Pagesdepictions of humans dancing were found the Mesopotamia, Egypt and Greece. However, others believe that it began in India as far as 4000-5000 years ago and spread throughout Greece and then the Middle East from the migration of a European gypsy tribe called Roma; although it is not certain that it is the actual place where it got started. During the early days of civilization, (about 10000 BCE) society was very matriarchal, which meant that women played a big part and held positions of power both religiouslyRead MoreGreece : The Birth Place Of Democracy1087 Words   |  5 PagesUnit 2: HIST 1421 Written Assignment Although Greece is the birth place of Democracy, Greece was not always a democratic country. In many parts of Greece other forms of government ruled. For instance, in Sparta, the government was an oligarchy; and in Athens before democracy, they were an aristocracy. When leaders took over land and their word became law, it was considered a tyranny. Many places ran by a royal family or bloodline were considered monarchy. A monarchy by definition is a form of governmentRead MoreThe Myths Of Ancient Egypt And The Near East1554 Words   |  7 Pagescommunal singularity, and habitually linking mystical beings or proceedings. Myths derived from Greece, Egypt and the Near East pose as a reflection of each of their respective cultures. The diverse eccentrics from the Greek, Egyptian and Near Eastern myths were all described with characteristics and actions that would reflect their respective cultures. Myths include the mythologies from ancient Egypt, the Near East the Greeks. In Greek culture, a reflection of the quo s of society can be seen in theRead MoreThe Greek And Roman Civilizations830 Words   |  4 Pages Especially the men. They found that the physical form was most pleasing to the eye and wanted to accentuate that beauty and deliver it through art. They sought out to present infinite elegance. Flawless statues and paintings showed men and women in their most â€Å"beautiful† state. If their sitter ( the model for the painting, sculpture or carving/shaving ) had physical flaws the artist would reshape the figure in the clay or on canvas. The Romans wanted their depictions of people to be rawRead MoreGreek Mythology And The Ancient Greek History935 Words   |  4 PagesGreece caught my interest because it is a country with myths, traditions, history and living culture. This destination was chosen not only for its incomparable natural beauty, but because it is a magical place, full of discoveries, charm and secrets. I have always been interested in the ancient Greek history. The first time I learned about Greek mythology was in middle school. I enjoyed learning about the Greek Gods such as Zeus, Athena, and Poseidon, the tales would amaze me. Even watching theRead MoreOrigins Of The Middle Eastern Dance1181 Words   |  5 Pagesreligion, attitude, social habits, music, dance and more. Dance differs from country to country although a dance could be practiced in other countries. In the Middle Eastern part of the world, they have a famous type of dance called the â€Å"Belly Dance†. The Middle Eastern dance is an umbrella term that consists of all dances of the Middle East and its neighboring areas from both the past and present. However it’s also a term usually used to refer to Raqs Sharqi or â€Å"belly dance† and its various styles

Traditional British Columbia Industries

Question: Discuss about theTraditional British Columbia Industries. Answer: Tourism Industry of British Columbia The tourism industry is mostly considered as a diverse industry with more than 400 diverse jobs that leads to long-term careers. According to a study of labor supply and demand, the tourism industry of British Columbia will merge as a leader in regional job growth as trades seek to fill 101,000 new job openings by the year 2020 (Freeman Thomlinson, 2014). Long-term development of the overall work force in BC is projected to slow down however; rising at an annual compound rate of 1.3 percent between the year 2010 and 2015 and then sluggish to only 0.6 percent between 2015 and 2030. With the help of tourism, the economy of British Columbia is likely to be diversified and it will bring new community services to enduring residents. These are more than 17,943 tourism related trades across British Columbia that employs more than 260,000 employees or 10.8 percent of the total labor force in the British Columbia. The tourism industry is hovering to expand after more than a few years of slow labor growth (Dodds, 2012). References Dodds, R. (2012). Sustainable tourism: A hope or a necessity? The case of Tofino, British Columbia, Canada.Journal of Sustainable Development,5(5), 54. Freeman, R., Thomlinson, E. (2014). Mountain bike tourism and community development in British Columbia: Critical success factors for the future.Tourism Review International,18(1), 9-22.

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Snows of Kilimanjaro and Other Stories free essay sample

A few distinct stories that contain this theme include The Snows of Kilimanjaro, In Another Country, and The Gambler, The Nun, and The Radio, The Killers, and Fifty Grand. Each of the protagonists in these novels go through their own â€Å"death-in-life†, which they believe has occurred due to their many sins and transgression sin the past. The two most prominent stories that demonstrate this the most are The Snows of Kilimanjaro and In Another Country. The one that displays this the most is the novel, The Snows of Kilimanjaro. Death is the main theme of The Snows of Kilimanjaro. This novel is a story of imminent death, and as such, images, ideas, and character attitudes pervade the entire story. The plot of this story is that Harry, a writer dying of gangrene, and his wife, Helen are stranded while on a safari in Africa. Harry’s situation begins to make him irritable, and he speaks about his death in a matter-of-fact way that upsets his wife, predicting that the rescue plane will never come. We will write a custom essay sample on Snows of Kilimanjaro and Other Stories or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page He quarrels with her over everything, from whether he should drink a soda to whether she should read to him. He then ruminates on his past life experiences, and on the fact that he feels he never reached his true potential as a writer. While Harry is lies on his cot reminiscing, he feels the presence of death and associates it with a hyena and a snow leopard, that are running along the edge of the campsite. Harry then falls asleep and dies dreaming about the mountain, Kilimanjaro. Hemingway uses the figures of the snow leopard and the hyena to contrast two attitudes to death: while the leopard suggests the possibility of permanence through fame, the hyena represents the inevitability off death. Also the emphasis on Harry’s fate as a failed writer, his gangrenous leg, and his dream of ascending to the white snow on the mountain are all examples of Hemingway suggesting that because we are deeply flawed by our nature of being human, the shadow of deaths sharpens our desire to aspire to greatness. In the novel, In Another Country, Hemingway uses the nature of death in a slightly different way than in The Snows of Kilimanjaro. This novel begins with a young boy, named Nick Adams, who accompanies a doctor to an American Indian Camp. Once there Nick watches as the doctor uses a jackknife to slice into a woman’s abdomen and deliver a baby boy. This event causes Nick to make a vow that he will never die. Later, he defies death and sanity-threatening wounds that he receives in Italy during World War I. While in rehabilitation, Nick meets three other soldiers that also have serious injuries. He befriends each of them and explains to each of them how he wished to never die. However, the veterans tell Nick that his ideal is wrong. They believe that although death can never be avoided, it is for that reason that everyone should live their life to the fullest while they still can. Nick listens to their opinion and decides to think about it. That night the hospital catches on fire and the three veterans, along with many others, are killed. At that moment Jack decides to accept their ideal and live every moment of his life for them. In this story Hemingway again suggests that we should all live our lives as best we can, because eventually we all will die. Each of the stories, in The Snows of Kilimanjaro and other stories has their own particular style and writing. However, there is one theme that stands out among all of them. This theme is death. Ernest Hemingway’s usage of death gives all of his heroes a sense of integrity. It also allows them to feel vulnerable but not be defined by their vulnerability. The two most distinct stories that demonstrate this usage are The Snows of Kilimanjaro and In Another Country. Ernest Hemingway’s style of writing makes him a renowned author.