Saturday, May 16, 2020
Fences Character Analysis Essay - 924 Words
Analyzation of Character Traits Individuals and society often rely on the trait of responsibility in order to have their daily activities run smoothly. Troy Maxson has incorporated the key ideas of responsibility; to secure his family, friendships and job. Troy had stated multiple times within Fences that his actions are based off of his responsibilities; instead of love. â€Å"[...]Liked you? Who the hell say I got to like you?[...]†(Wilson,37). This quote displays that although Troy loves his family, his sense of responsibility is stronger. The sense of responsibility shows he is concerned for what is to come to the family; although this shadowed his emotions to forget to show affection. â€Å"[...]Some people build fences to keep people out†¦and†¦show more content†¦Through Troy’s perspective, he sees the fence as a barrier between his enemy known as; death. If death gets through the fence, it would have to come through Troy himself, since he believes that instead of loving his fami ly; protecting them has more worth. It is clear Troy starts to build the fence to keep those who are mistreating his family out; although he himself grows distant. We can infer that Rose and Troy’s perspective of the fence had started to collide. Rose had viewed the fence to keep those she values and cherishes within the fence; while after Troy confesses he is cheating on her with Alberta a division with his family is shown. Division with their family occured due to Troy mistreating Rose and not realizing his mistake sooner. This is to show that Troy’s trait of responsibility reinforces the main symbol. Troy had acknowledged his mistakes resulting in a mental and emotional separation between the couple. â€Å"[...] A motherless child had got a hard time†¦. From right now this child got a mother. But you a womanless man. [...]†(Wilson,122) This confirms that even with the presence of Raynell; Rose will not acknowledge Troy for what he used to mean to her. Further into the play it is revealed that even with this rift, Rose continues to communicate with him to keep order within the house, although emotionally her ties have been severed with Troy. Responsibility is a term that invokes duty, and to beShow MoreRelatedFences Character Analysis Essay1790 Words  | 8 Pageshousewife in the play, Fences is written by August Wilson. Rose is Troy’s loyal wife. She is a mother that cares for all of her children. All in all, Rose Maxson would be one of the most compassionate characters in this play. Compassionate is a strong feeling of Rose Maxson is a housewife in the play, Fences is written by August Wilson. Rose is Troy’s loyal wife. She is a mother that cares for all of her children. All in all, Rose Maxson would be one of the most compassionate characters in this play. 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