Tuesday, May 19, 2020
Vce Language Analysis Essay - 1276 Words
Tattoos have recently become increasingly popular in youth, due to the hidden meanings and symbolism that they are endowed with. Helen Day’s opinionative blog entry, The Power of Ink, asserts that the significance of tattoos have diminished due to the fashionable aesthetics that tattoos project. A highly casual, yet acknowledging tone characterises her blog entry, which is predominantly catered to young Australian readers who are interested in receiving a tattoo. Accompanying her blog entry is a number of comments which both support and criticise the new phenomenon of tattoos. Poignantly complementing her article is an image of Ta Mako tattoos, a Maori form of body art, and the front cover of the written work â€Å"No tattoos before you’re†¦show more content†¦She further perpetuates this notion through her statement that â€Å"those†¦were an indication of control†, and â€Å"a sign that the bearer has a value that hovered somewhere between proper ty and machine†As such, Day conveys that tattoos debased humans as inanimate objects, capable of no humanity and thought, and hence the reader may be incited to view such tattoos as offensive due to their historical meanings, complementing her contention that tattoos originally had more â€Å"power†and significance in the past. Day then draws a sharp criticism on the increasingly â€Å"commodified†nature of tattoos, as she derides them as a mere â€Å"fashion statement†. The words â€Å"fashion statement†insinuates that such tattoos are materialistic and transparent in meaning, upholding the notion that modern tattoos carry no purpose in today’s society, other than to impress others. The reader, as a result, may be invoked to feel annoyance and frustration at the ignorance of the general public, who are implied to be unaware of the previous meaning of tattoos. Moreover, Day compounds upon this pre-established notion of commodity by stating it is â€Å"fashion’s proprietary mark†. The word â€Å"proprietary†may position the reader to criticise the fashion industry, as it is suggested that the fashion industry has defiled body art out of economical greed. Day finds this â€Å"profoundly annoying†; the conviction in her statement, achieved through the use of brevity, may invite the reader to share similar sentiments,Show MoreRelatedWhy Is Eal For Vce?1107 Words  | 5 Pages Significance of EAL for VCE EAL is a critical subject, especially for students who are new to the Australian schooling systems and teaching and learning conducted in English. Each learning areas have its’ own specific language and technical terms, especially at the VCE level, and without the language proficiency it is very difficult for students to perform well in the subject regardless of the actual knowledge and skills students may have (Macken-Horarik, 1996). For example, many internationalRead MoreIntroduction . Curriculum And Philosophy Have A Profound1102 Words  | 5 PagesCollege is a middle class school. The school is famous for its sport, dance, musical program as well as their STEP (science, technology and engineering pathways) program. 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